List of paintings by Paul Gauguin

This is an incomplete list of paintings by the French painter Paul Gauguin.



Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) was a leading 19th century Post-Impressionist artist, painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramist and writer. His bold experimentation with color directly influenced modern art in the 20th century while his expression of the inherent meaning of the subjects in his paintings, under the influence of the cloisonnist style, paved the way to Primitivism and the return to the pastoral. He was also an influential proponent of wood engraving and woodcuts as art forms.[1][2]


Titles in French and English were not necessarily given by Gauguin. Titles in Tahitian are those written on the paintings. Click on the image for more information about the painting.

Note: Column WIN indicates the Wildenstein Index Number.
Year WIN Title Museum Picture
1875 W. 999/999 (French) La Seine au Pont de Grenelle
(English) The Seine at Pont de Grenelle
Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne
1875–1877 (ca) 25 (English) Self portrait Fogg Museum, Cambridge, Ma
1878 26 (French) Mette Gauguin
(English) Mette Gauguin
Stiftung Sammlung E. G. Bührle, Zurich
1879 (French) Les Maraîchers de Vaugirard
(English) The Market Gardens of Vaugirard
Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, Ms
1879 (French) Jardin sous la neige
(English) Effect of snow
Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest
1880 39 (French) Étude de nu (Suzanne cousant)
(English) Study of a Nude (Suzanne sewing)
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1880 (French) Mandoline sur une chaise Private collection
1880 47/60 (French) Nature morte à la Cruche d'Argile et Tasse en Fer
(English) Wood Tankard and Metal Pitcher
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1880 (German) Stillleben mit Fruchtschale und Zitronen Museum Langmatt, Zurich
1880(ca) (French) Vase de Fleurs Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes
1881 Private collection
1881 75/97 (French) Intérieur du peintre rue Carcel Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo
1881 67 (French) La famille du peintre au jardin, rue Carcel Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1882 (French) Nature morte aux oranges
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes
1882 (French) Le sculpteur Aubé et son fils
Musée du Petit Palais
1883 W. 75/97 (French) La neige Rue Carcel Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1883 (French) Rue du village, Osny (?)
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1883 (French) Peupliers
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1884 Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo
1884 Private collection
1884 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1884 Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., London
1884 Sammlung Oskar Reinhart am Römerholz, Winterthur
1884 (French) Rue Jouvenet à Rouen
Currently in Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
1885 (French) Nature morte à la mandoline
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1885 Kimbell Art Museum
1885 167/179 (French) Baigneuses à Dieppe
(English) Women Bathing
The National Museum of Western Art
1885 (French) Vaches à l'abreuvoir
Galleria d'Art moderna di Milano
1886 186 (French) La fille du patron
Musée du Prieuré, Saint-Germain-en-Laye
1886 (French) Nature morte au profil de Laval
(English) Still Life with Profile of Laval
Indianapolis Museum of Art
1886 (French) (English) The White Bowl
1886 Laing Art Gallery and Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
1886 (French) Les Lavandières à Pont-Aven
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1886 (French) Rochers au bord de la mer
Konstmuseum, Göteborg
1886 Museum of Art, Hiroshima
1886 Bridgestone Museum of Art
1886 National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
1887 (French) La Cueillette des Fruits, ou Aux Mangos
Van Gogh Museum
1887 (French) Allées et venues, Martinique
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
1887 Van Gogh Museum
1887 227/25 (French) Conversation (Tropiques), ou Negresses Causant
Private collection, Dallas, Tx
1887 (French) La baignade, ou Deux Baigneuses
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires
1887 215/241 (French) Bord de mer I (La rade de Saint-Pierre vue de l'Anse Turin)
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1887 (French) Bord de mer II
Private collection, Paris
1887 Neue Pinakothek, Munich
1888 (French) Le gardien de porcs, Bretagne Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Ca
1888 (French) La Ronde des petites Bretonnes
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
1888 Museum of Modern Art, New York City
1888 (French) Madame Roulin
Saint Louis Museum of Art, Saint Louis, Mo
1888 232 (French) Végétation tropicale, Martinique
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
1888 Kunsthalle, Hamburg
1888 (French) La Vision après le sermon
(English) Vision After the Sermon
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
1888 Konstmuseum, Göteborg
1888 Private Collection, Switzerland
1888 W. 240
S. 130k
(French) Portrait de Madeleine Bernard
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Grenoble
1888 (French) La Rivière blanche; Paysage de Bretagne (Ancien titre), verso du Portrait de Madeleine Bernard
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Grenoble
1888 (French) Paysage de Bretagne
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
1888 Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1888 (French) Petit Breton arrangeant son sabot, ou Paysage à Pont-Aven, Bretagne
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1888 (French) Conversation dans les prés. Pont-Aven
Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique
1888 Bridgestone Museum of Art
1888 W. 201/237 (French) Bretonnes causant, ou La danse des quatre bretonnes ou Quatre bretonnes
Neue Pinakothek, Munich
1888 (French) La Fête Gloanec
Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans
1888 (French) Bretonnes et veau, ou Bretonnes au Tournant d'une Route
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1888 W. 276/283 (French) Les dindons à Pont-Aven
Private collection
1888 (French)
(English) A Meadow on the Banks of the Aven
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1888 (French)} Printemps à Lézaven, ou Les Premières Fleurs
Private collection
1888 (French)
Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris
1888 (French) Les Jeunes Lutteurs, ou Enfants Luttant (I)
Private collection
1888 (French) Vue sur Pont-Aven prise de Lezaven
Private collection
1888 (French) Autoportrait avec portrait de Bernard, 'Les Misérables'
Van Gogh Museum
1888 (French) Arlésiennes (Mistral)
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1888 (French) Le Mas d'Arles
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
1888 (French) Les Laveuses à Arles
Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
1888 (French)
(English) Washerwomen at the Roubine du Roi Arles
Museum of Modern Art, New York City
1888 W. 308/31 (French) Ferme à Arles
(English) Landscape near Arles
Museum of Art, Indianapolis
1888 (French) L'Allée des Alyscamps, Arles
Seiji Togo Memorial Yasuda Kasai Museum of Art
1888 W. 307/314
S. 138
(French) Les Alyscamps Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1888 (French) Vendanges à Arles, ou Misères humaines
1888 (French) Van Gogh peignant des tournesols
(English) Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers
Van Gogh Museum
1888 (French) Café de Nuit, Arles
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1888 (French) Paysage d'Arles avec buissons
Private collection
1889 (French) Le Christ dans le jardin des Olivers
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida
1889 (French) La Vache rouge
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
1889 (French)
(English) Still Life with Apples, a Pear, and a Ceramic Portrait Jug
Fogg Art Museum,Cambridge, Ma
1889 (French)
(English) The Schuffenecker Family
Musée d'Orsay
1889 (French) Nature morte aux pêches
{(English) Still Life with Peaches
Fogg Art Museum,Cambridge, Ma
1889 (French) Les meules jaunes ou La moisson blonde
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1889 (English) Breton Boy
Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne
1889 (French) Le Jambon (?)
Philips Memorial Gallery, Washington, DC
1889 (French) Adam et Ève, ou le Paradis Perdu
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Ct.
1889 W. 327
S. 151
(French) Le Christ jaune
(English) The Yellow Christ
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
1889 (French) Eve bretonne
McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Tx
1889 Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
1889 W. 314/258
S. 155
(French) Madame Alexandre Kohler
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
1889 (French) Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin (I), ou Bonjour Monsieur Gauguins (sic)
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Ca
1889 (French) Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin (II)
Národní galerie v Praze, Prague
1889 (French) L'Oie
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Quimper
1889 (French) Le Christ vert ou Calvaire breton
(English) The Green Christ
Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique
1889 (French) La Belle Angèle
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1889 (French) National Museum of Western Art
1889 (French) Meyer de Haan
Museum of Modern Art, New York City
1889 (French) Jeanne d'Arc, ou Jeune Bretonne au rouet
Van Gogh Museum
1889 (French) Autoportrait-charge, ou Autoportrait au Nimbe
(English) Self-Portrait with Halo
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
1889 (French) Femme Caraïbe
(English) Caribbean Woman
Private collection
1889 (French) Dans les vagues, ou Ondine (I)
(English) In the Waves
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Oh.
1889 (French) Vue de la Plage de Bellanenay
Private collection
1889 or 1890 (French) Les Foins
(English) Harvest: Le Pouldu
Tate Britain, London
1889 or 1890 (French) Pêcheuses de Goémon
Private collection
1890 (ca) Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1890 Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe
1890 Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Ct
1890 (French) Mimi et son chat
Private collection
1890 Pierre Rosenberg, Paris
1890 (French) Les meules, ou Le champ de pommes de terre
(English) Haystacks in Brittany
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
1890 (French)
(English) Woman in Front of a Still Life by Cézanne
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1890 or 1891 (French) La Perte du pucelage
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Va
1890–1891 (French) Portrait de l'artiste au Christ jaune
(English) The Artist with the Yellow Christ (see: The Yellow Christ)
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1891 (French) Portrait de Suzanne Bambridge
Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique
1891 (French)
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1891 (Tahitian) I Raro Te Oviri
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Tx
1891 (French) L'Homme à la hache
Private collection, Switzerland
1891 (Tahitian)Parau Parau Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1891 (Tahitian) Upa upa
Israel Museum, Jerusalem
1891 (English) Black pigs
Private collection
1891 (Tahitian) Ia Orana Maria
(French) Je vous salue Marie
(English) Hail Mary
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
1891 (French) Rue de Tahiti
Toledo Museum of Art, Oh.
1891 (Tahitian) Te Faaturuma
(French) Ma Boudeuse ou le silence
Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Ms
1891 (Tahitian) Vahine no te tiare
(French) La femme à la fleur
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1891 {(French) Femmes de Tahiti
(English) Tahitian Women on the Beach
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1891 (Tahitian) Arearea
(French) Joyeusetés
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1891 (French) Le Repas
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1891 (Tahitian) Te raau rahi (III)
(English) The Big Tree (III)
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1891 (Tahitian) E Haere oe i Hia
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
1891 Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo.
1891 (French) Jeune créole
Musée d'art moderne, Troyes. at
1891 (French) I raro te Oviri
Dallas Museum of Art
1892 (Tahitian) Mata Mua
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
1892 (Tahitian) Mahana maa I Food Day I Cincinnati Art Museum
1892 (Tahitian) Parau na te Varua ino
(French) Paroles du diable
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
1892 (Tahitian) Vairaumati tei Oa
(English) He Name is Vairaumti
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1892 (Tahitian) Te aa no areois
Museum of Modern Art, New York City
1892 (Tahitian) Haere Pape
The Barnes Foundation, Merion, Penn
1892 (Tahitian) Parahi te marae
(French) Là réside le temple
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1892 (Tahitian) Vahine no te mit
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires
1892 (Tahitian) Te Fare Hymenee
(French) La maison des chants
Private collection
1892 (Tahitian) Vahine no te vi
(French) Tahiterin mit Mango
Museum of Art, Baltimore, Md.
1892 (Tahitian) Parau Parau
(English)Whispered Words
Yale University Art Gallery, Baltimore, Md.
1893 (Tahitian) Hina tefatou
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
1893 (Tahitian) Otahi
Private collection
(French) Montagnes tahitiennes Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Mn
1888 (Tahitian) Te Burao
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1892 (Tahitian) Aha Oe Feii?
(French) Eh quoi! Tu es jaloux?
(English) What! Are You Jealous?
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1892 (Tahitian) Te nave nave fenua
(English) Wonderful Land
Ohara Museum of Art, Kurashiki
1892 Private collection
1892 (Tahitian) Ta Matete
(French) Le Marché
Kunstmuseum Basel
1892 (Tahitian) Manao tupapau
(French) L'esprit des morts veille
(English) Spirit of the Dead Watching
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
1892 (Tahitian) Parau api
(French) Quelles nouvelles?
(English) Two Women of Tahiti, see: Tahitian Women on the Beach
Galerie Neue Meister, Dresden
1892 (French) Sans titre
(English) Without Title
Private collection, Germany
1892 (Tahitian) Parahi te marae
Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Penn.
1893 (Tahitian) Merahi metua no Tehamana
(French) Les ancêtres de Tahamaha
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1892 (Tahitian) Nafea faa ipoipo?
(English) When will you marry?
Kunstmuseum Basel
1892 (Tahitian) Te Poipoi
Private collection
1892 (French) Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1892 (Tahitian) Fatata te miti
(English) By the Sea
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
1893 (French)} Autoportrait
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1893 (French)} Portrait de William Molard
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1893 (Tahitian) Pape moea
(French) Eau Mystérieuse
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1892 (Tahitian) Eu haere ia oe
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1893 Self Portrait The Detroit Institute of Arts
1893 or 1894 (Tahitian) Aita Parari te Tamari Vahine Judith
(French) Annah la Javanaise (La femme-enfant Judith n'est pas encore dépucelée)
Kunstmuseum Basel
1894 (Tahitian) Mahana no atua
(English) Day of the Gods
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1894 (French) Nature morte à l'esquisse de Delacroix
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg
1894 (French) Bretonne en prière
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Ms
1894 (French) Le violoncelliste (Portrait de Upaupa Schneklud)
The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD
1894 (ca) Brooklyn Museum, New York City
1894 (ca) (French)
Private collection
1894 (French) Paysannes bretonnes
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1894 (French) Le Moulin David
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1894 (Tahitian) Nave nave moe
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1896 (French) Pauvre pêcheur
Museu de Arte de São Paulo
1896 Museu de Arte de São Paulo
1896 (French) Poèmes barbares
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Ma
1896 (Tahitian)} Te Vaa
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1896 (Tahitian) No te aha oe riri?
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1896 (Tahitian) Bé bé
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1896 (Tahitian) Te Arii Vahine
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1896 (Tahitian) Eiaha Ohipa
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1896 (Tahitian) Te tamari no atua
Neue Pinakothek, Munich
1896 (Tahitian) Nave nave mahana
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
1896 (French) Portrait d'une Jeune Femme, Vaite (Jeanne) Goupil ?
1896 (French) Portrait de l'artiste (à l'ami Daniel)
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1897 (French) Vairumati
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1897 (Tahitian) Te rerioa
(French) Le Rêve
Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
1897 (Tahitian) Nevermore (O Taiti)
(English) Nevermore
Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
1897 Private collection, Paris
1897 or 1898 (French) D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ?
(English) Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1898 (Tahitian) Te Pape Nave Nave
(English) Delectable Waters
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
1898 (French) Le Cheval blanc
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1898 National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
1898 (Tahitian) Faa Iheihe
Tate Britain, London
1899 (French) Fleurs et chats
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1899 (French)
(English) Landscape with a Horse
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
1899 (Tahitian) Te avae no Maria
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1899 (French)
(English) Three Tahitian Women Against a Yellow Background
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1899 (French)
(English) Tahitian Woman and Boy
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, Ca
1899 (Tahitian) Rupe Rupe
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1899 Pushkin Museum, Moscow
1899 Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1899 W. 583
S. 399
(French) Les Seins aux fleurs rouges ou Deux Tahitiennes ou Femmes aux mangos
(English)Two Tahitian Women
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
1900 (ca) (French) Le Joueur de Guitare
Private collection, London
1901 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1901 (?) (French) Paysage
Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris
1901 (French) Nature morte avec des tournesols sur un fauteuil (I)
Stiftung Sammlung Emil G. Bührle, Zurich
1901 604 (French) Nature morte à L'Espérance
(English) Still Life with L'Esperance
private collection
1901 (French) Idylle à Tahiti
Stiftung Sammlung Emil G. Bührle, Zurich
1901 (French) Nature morte avec des tournesols sur un fauteuil (II)
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
1901 (French) Et l'or de leurs corps
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
1901 or 1902 W. 610 (French) Mère et fille
(English) Two Women
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
1902 (French) Contes barbares
Museum Folkwang, Essen
1902 (French) Jeune fille a l'eventail
(English) Young Girl With Fan
(German) Junges Mädchen mit Fächer
Museum Folkwang, Essen
1902 (French)
(English) Walk by the Sea or Tahitian Family or Bathers
Private collection
1902 Museum Folkwang, Essen
1902 Stavros Niarchos Collection, Greece
1903 (French) L'Invocation
(English) The Invocation
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
1903 Museum of Arts, Cleveland, Ohio
1902–1903 Kunstmuseum Basel
1902–1903 Indianapolis Museum of Art, In.
1903 (French) Le Sorcier d’Hiva Oa ou le Marquisien à la cape rouge
Musée d'Art moderne de Liège
1903 (French) Femmes et cheval blanc
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1903 (French) Hiva Oa
(English) Hiva Oa
Ateneum, Helsinki
1892 (French) Pastorales tahitiennes
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
? (French)
(English) Tahitians on the Riverbank
Honolulu Academy of Arts, H.I
